SFGATE 9/14/10
"There were excellent contributions from soprano Heather McFadden as the old nurse Agafia Mihailovna."
"Among the lesser roles in the Sunday performance, especially impressive was Heather McFadden (Levin's maid Agafia)"
"Notable among the leads was mezzo-soprano Heather McFadden, who in her role as Little Buttercup provided a stage presence as large as her rich, operatic voice."


San Jose Mercury News 2/10

As Dr. Bartolo and Marcellina, bass Silas Elash and mezzo-sopreano Heather McFadden Made for another team of Strong voice and comedey to the hilt

The Mercury News 10/08

There was some classy singing from mezzo soprano Heather McFadden as Filipievana.

San Francisco Classical Voice 11/06

Heather McFadden gave a strong rendering of Berta's caustic aria.

San Jose Mercury News 11/06

Mezzo soprano Heather McFadden was big spirited and magnetic, making the most of a small role.

Modesto Bee 3/05

McFadden possesses rich color and nuance that effectively convey the mystery of her character. The believable darkness she portrays drew me in from her first notes. Her presence on stage is limited to the first act, but her impact on the production is critical to its success.

 Berkeley Daily 3/2005

As the stone-hearted Princess, Heather McFadden exploited a solid lower register and her imposing height to bring authority to the character.

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